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How we build your vision

At a high-level overview, we go through five development phases. Each phase involves multiple meetings with the client, as well as daily meetings. During the daily meetings, the client is kept up-to-date on the progress of our development, as well as our short-term and long-term development plans. We keep this process seamless and smooth, so the client can keep track of the project development transparently.

1. Requirements gathering and analysis

Requirements gathering and analysis diagram

This is the initial phase where we gather all the fundamental information about the client's project, such as what should the software do, what are the core values which the software needs to provide, and so on.

The main objective of this phase is to identify the project's purpose, scope and business requirements. This is where Peopleoids communicate with the client to gather information about the client's needs, expectations, and pain points.

Once we gather all the necessary information, the team of Peopleoids who are assigned to work on this project will analyze and document the requirements in a clear and concise way to ensure everyone involved in the project has a shared understanding of what needs to be developed.

2. Design and architecture

Requirements gathering and analysis diagram

This phase involves designing the software's overall architecture and creating a detailed technical specification. Here we create a high-level design that outlines the software's main features, user interface, and how it will work with other systems.

Peopleoids will create a detailed Software Requirement Specification (SRS) that outlines the software's functional requirements, non-functional requirements, and other features, so we can have a clear understanding of how it will be implemented.

The design and architecture phase sets the foundation for the rest of the project, so it will be approached with careful consideration.

3. Agile implementation and development

Requirements gathering and analysis diagram

This phase is where we start implementing the client's software in an iterative and incremental way using Agile development methodologies.

Agile development is an iterative approach that breaks down the development process into small, manageable chunks or sprints. Each sprint typically lasts between two and four weeks and involves developing a specific set of features or functionality.

The engineering team of Peopleoids, who are assigned to work on this project, will work closely with the project manager to ensure that they are meeting the requirements and staying on track.

4. Testing and Quality Assurance (QA)

Requirements gathering and analysis diagram

Once the software is implemented, the team performs extensive testing to ensure that the software is working as expected. This includes:

  • Unit testing
  • Integration testing
  • System testing
  • Acceptance testing

Our quality assurance engineering team also performs advanced testing techniques, such as:

  • Load testing
  • Security testing
  • Other forms of testing as necessary (or by request)

The goal is to identify and fix any defects or bugs before the software is released to users.

After everything has been tested and confirmed to be working as expected, we give our clients the opportunity to try the software themselves and approve if the results align with their expectations, with two possible outcomes:

  1. Modification request: we perform slight modifications until the client is happy with the result.
  2. Approval: the client is happy with the result, so we move to the final phase, deployment.

5. Deployment, maintenance, support

Requirements gathering and analysis diagram

This is the final phase of the project, and it involves deploying the software to production and providing ongoing maintenance and support.

Once the software is deployed, Peopleoid provides ongoing maintenance and support to ensure that the software is stable and performs well over time.

This phase is also critical to ensure the long-term success of the software and the project overall.


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